Monday, December 13, 2010


Christmas Tree

It's that time of year again! And I am super excited for Christmas this year because Jack is actually understanding what is happening.  He helped decorate the tree and got to go see Santa Clause...he gave him a high five!  When we turn the tree on he says, "Happy birthday Jesus!"  We also bought him some Christmas jammies and slippers, which he calls his dancing slippers.  I'm not sure why he decided they were dancing slippers, but everytime he puts them on he dances around for like 5 minutes.  It's really funny!  I tell him all the time that he is funny, so now he laughs and says, "I so funny!"
Aubrey is doing great and growing so fast already!  We took her to the doctor last week for her 2 week checkup.  She already weighed 8 lb 6 oz and was 20 inches long!  I almost wanted to cry because she had already gained weight.  And no, not for vain reasons, but because it means she is getting bigger.  I want her to stay small!  I guess I am just realizing how fast my babies grow up.  I want to cherish every moment.  She is starting to be awake more everyday.  She loves to listen to our voices and just seems to look around and take everything in...even her big brother's loud playing! 

 Decorating the tree

 He wanted to sleep under the tree

Visiting Santa

My babies...just because =)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Aubrey Leigh Sessums

It's a girl!!!!  We are now officially a family of four!  Aubrey Leigh Sessums was born November 18th at 12:46 in the afternoon.  She is the most beautiful and precious little girl I know and we couldn't be more overjoyed to have her here finally!  She looks just like Jack did when he was a newborn, just with a little less hair.  Speaking of Jack...he is an amazing big brother.  He loves to help Mommy with all things needed to make sure "sissy" is happy!  And every morning he wants to give her a high five and a kiss.  She is gonna be one tough little girl though, as the second day she was home Jack attempted to have a pillow fight with her on the bed!  I was so worried that he would not react well with another little person taking attention away from him, but he has been so absolutely perfect since she's come home.  And her daddy...oh her daddy!  He is so sweet with her.  To watch him sing to her and rock her just melts my heart. 
We love our little Aubrey!  I can't wait to watch her grow up and become a lady; not too quickly though!  The Lord has truly blessed us.  She is our little miracle baby and I know God has a wonderful plan for her. 

Proud Daddy...they were both so tired!

Bubby and Sissy

His first time to hold her...she wasn't a fan.  This lasted approximately 10 seconds =)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Blog, New Baby!

Well, the old blog would not work right (I couldn't place pictures where I wanted to), so I decided to try and start over.  Hopefully this one will work better (or at least I'll be able to figure stuff out better).  And, in turn, be better about posting new blogs!
So, as this title suggests, there is a new baby in the world!  Nope, not ours...yet!  Beautiful baby Ella Raeann Dorsey was born early Friday morning!!! I am so happy for our wonderful friends, Barb and Matt.  Ella is one lucky girl.  Not only are her parents wonderful, but she they have many many wonderful family and friends that will spoil that girl beyond belief.  I will post pics as soon as I get some.  Unfortunately, when we went to visit her in the hospital, she was attempting to eat the whole time we were there.  Babies...always eating or sleeping! =)
Our little family is doing great and getting ready for a new addition.  Should (hopefully) be any day now!  I am so excited to meet our new little one and to find out the sex.  I am also very excited to see what a great big brother Jack will be!  He plays in the baby's room and puts his teddy bears in the baby swing and pushes them.  It's so cute.  I'll keep everyone updated!!!  In the meantime, here is a  picture of Jack's Halloween costume.  He was a tiger...too cute not to post!  And the cutest part is when we ask him what a tiger says he goes, "Roar!!!"

He didn't like the "tiger hat" too much!